Friday, April 1, 2016

June 8, 2015 (Day 4): Storm Rest Day

We were sleeping well when the guides came up to the tent around midnight to wake us up.  We could already hear the snow hitting the tent and new what they were going to say.  Our move to 9500 camp was off and we'd be waiting out the storm today.  We all welcomed the extra sleep, but realized one more day of margin was eaten up.  We gathered in the cook tent around 0730 and enjoyed bacon, hash browns, and egg powder.  Afterwards we fortified the tent and built a snow wall around the pooper.  Most of the day was spent tent bound in the Trango 3 listening to music and reading.  It's one thing to be waiting out a storm in Talkeetna, it's another thing to be limited to 48 sq ft with two other climbers.  Dinner was at 1630 and consisted of freeze dried turkey, mashed potatoes, rehydrated veggies, and powdered gravy.  The snow didn't really let up all day and the evening weather report indicated much of the same through the next couple days.  We went to bed at 2000 hoping they were wrong.

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