Friday, April 1, 2016

June 18, 2015 (Day 14): Move to High Camp (16,300 ft)

We awoke at 0700 after a great night's sleep.  A quick breakfast of cheesy bacon bagels and we were packed up and out of camp by 0900.  We retraced our steps from yesterday and made our way to shrund and onto the ice slopes.  The full 60+ lb packs made the ice slopes a bit more difficult than yesterday, but the guides were better prepared and able to provide more running ice protection.  The team successfully cleared the ice slope and rested at the top of the small rock outcropping.  We continued up to the cache, picked up a few remaining items, and ascended another 1000 ft until we arrived at our high camp just after 1600.  The guides took advantage of a previous team's site for the their tent and we leveled off a large platform for our Trango 4 person.  The team was pretty zapped after 6 hard days without a break.  I was feeling a bit dehydrated and chugged two liters of water in about 30 minutes.  The weather forecast indicated continued high pressure for the next few days.  Josh let us know we would see how we felt in the morning before making any decisions.  I think the clients were quietly thinking rest day so they could recharge for a summit push, and the guides were interested in climbing.  We were in bed around 2100, and I was quite anxious for tomorrow to come.

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